SUMMARY: Within Brand Intensive Care Program (BICP) we will provide a varety of supports, especially the consultancy program, by selecting the 10 brands that we can help the most according to our expertise areas.


Application Dates:  May 1, 2020, 12:01 a.m., Eastern daylight time (e.d.t.) through May 10, 2020, 11:59 p.m., e.d.t.

Judging Dates:  May 11 through May 17, 2020.

Oral Interview Dates: May 18 through May 22, 2020.

Winners Announced:  May 27, 2020.

1. Role Played by Brandcared & Brand Intensive Care Program Committees

1.1 General Obligations

Brand Intensive Care Program will support SMEs by providing:

  • Consulting,
  • Training,
  • Mentoring,
  • And the support package that will be announced till August 1, 2020.

All of the above are subject to resourcing and the extent of support provided will be determined by Brandcared at it sole discretion.

2. Role Played by Entrepreneurs

2.1 General obligations

Participants should be;

  • Those who have reached the age of 18,
  • Those who have at least 50% share in their company,
  • Those who established their company between 2015 and 2020,
  • Those active in the fields of textile, ready-to-wear, shoes, bags, accessories, cosmetics,
  • Those who do not actively receive management consultancy services,
  • Those who have not received consultancy from Brandcared before.

3. Registration Process for Participants

  • The entry period for the BICP will begin as stated in the DATES section of this notice.  Participants can enter the BICP by visiting the Brandcared’s Website at https://www.brandcared.com/brand-intensive-care-program/ , reviewing official rules and guidelines, and registering a submission by submitting the Application Form according to the instructions posted on the Brandcared’s Website.  Each Submission entered into the BICP must meet the “BICP Requirements”.

4. Basis upon Which the Winners Will Be Selected

  • Brand Intensive Care Program Selection Committee formed with sector’s leading brands will judge the entries.
  • Judges will be fair and impartial, may not have a personal or financial interest in.

5. Termination

5.1 Immediate termination by Brandcared

Brandcared may request an participant leave the BICP if it considers it reasonably necessary.

5.2 Immediate termination by the Participant

The participant may elect to leave the BICP if he or she is unwilling or unable to continue participating.

6. Privacy and Disclosure of Personal Information

6.1  Personal Information

In this clause, personal information means any information (fact or opinion) that readily identifies a person – such as a name, address, age, payroll number, education standards/qualifications, physical characteristics, employment history, financial status, licence number, religion, health information or relationship details.

6.2  Where Brandcared has access to personal information in order to fulfil its obligations under this contract, it must:

  • where Brandcared is responsible for holding personal information, ensure that personal information is protected against loss, unauthorised access, use, modification or disclosure, and other misuse;
  • not use personal information other than for the purposes of BICP and/or Charitable purposes unless required or authorised by law; and
  • not disclose personal information without the written agreement of the Director’s, unless authorised by law.

7. Confidentiality

7.1 Use of Confidential Information

The Participant will use Confidential Information solely for the purposes of participating in the BICP.

7.2 Confidentiality  

The Participant will not disclose any Confidential Information except:

  • with Brandcared’s express prior written consent;
  • as required by law

7.3 Return of Confidential Information

The Participant will return to Brandcared or, at the participant’s option, destroy and confirm in writing the destruction of all records and copies of the Confidential Information held by the Participant or his or her agents or associates immediately on Brandcared’s request.

7.4 Security measures  

The Participant will at all times maintain adequate security measures to prevent the Confidential Information being used or disclosed other than as permitted by these Terms and Conditions.

8. Intellectual Property

8.1 Ownership of Intellectual Property at time of Agreement  

  • Any Intellectual Property owned by Brandcared at the date these Terms and Conditions are accepted will remain the property of Brandcared throughout the BICP;
  • Any Intellectual Property owned by the Participant at the date these Terms and Conditions are accepted will remain the property of the Participant throughout the BICP

9 . General

9.1 Brandcared reserves the right to cancel, suspend, and/or modify the Brand Intensive Care Program, or any part of it, for any reason, at Brandcared’ sole discretion.